Gracia has taken to admonishing Gus (our youngest cat) for no reason. I'll be doing something and she's out of sight and suddenly I can hear her saying "No no! Noooo, no nonono! No no!" When I come out to see what's going on, she's inevitably shaking her finger at Gus. He's usually doing something as dangerous as lying peacefully on the floor albeit in her way. Cracks me up! At least she's not yelling at her brother... yet.
Gracia's other newest phrase is "of course!" We have no idea where she picked it up, but she usually uses it correctly and it, too, is hilarious! I'll aske things like "Did you know you're my favorite girl?" To which she replies, "Of course!"
- "Do you need more to drink?" "Of course!"
- "Did you know that you make me crazy when you whine?" "Well of course!"
And just to brag a bit, she's not yet two (in two weeks though... how did that happen????) and she knows all of her letters and her numbers up to 12. I'm going to go ahead and think that's impressive.
Jack is getting a real personality and is smiling all the time. He is increadibly nosy and wants to watch things all the time. He loves his activity mat and his bumbo seat and can easily spend 45 minutes playing between the two of them. He's starting to realize that his hands belong to him and is now trying to figure out how to get them to do what he wants all the time.
Gracia continues to like Jack, and likes to love on him. It's really cute. Again, I'm relishing it now, because as soon as he starts touching her stuff I know it will be all over!
Let me leave you with a few pictures to prove that she does like him. I'm not so sure he's terribly fond of her yet, though...
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