Thursday, October 22, 2009

Never Again...

Well, I say never, but I know that that will never happen. I took the kids to Target yesterday. I thought we were in a good time... it was an hour before nap time, Jack had just eaten and both kids were dry. The car trip (the whole 7 minutes) were fine. So was the walk to the store and the first 3 minutes that we were inside. Then it went to hell. I was one of those parents that you look at and think "why did she think this was a good idea?" Jack howled and nothing would fix it, and Gracia decided she was going to be Miss Independent (I know... welcome to two) and refused to hold on to the cart or hold my hand. Not necessarily a horrible thing except that she wanted to lag about 15 feet behind me and in the center of the aisle, which meant that no one could get around her! That meant that I had to get ahold of her arm (because she wouldn't let me touch her hands) and drag her, protesting loudly, over by me. I couldn't put her in the cart because Jack was in the seat and I couldn't put her in the basket of the cart because it was full of the big awkward things that we needed!


So, if I can at all avoid it, I shall not be taking both kids to the store by myself again. Oh! And just to finish my rant, where are the carts that will hold two young children at the same time when I need them? I see them all the time when I just have one kid with me, but when I bring both? Never there!! I think they see me coming and hide them.

Well, now that that is all out of the way, let me say some good things about my darling children. Jack has slept through the night for two nights now, and I'm hoping that this will continue. Makes me feel human to have 7 hours of sleep in a row! And Gracia is a fabulous big sister. She's very nice to him and worries about him and it's increadibly cute. I'm relishing while I can get it!

Here's a little video so you can see just how cute she is with him!

1 comment:

  1. Oh, I understand those Target moments. They make you think about allll those times you sneered at parents in the past. We have them quite often, minus one child. :)
